Big Picture of Hormonal Health

Big Picture of Hormonal Health

PMS, fertility, PCOS, heavy bleeding, fibroids, hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia, no libido — OH MY!! When trying to correct hormonal imbalances it’s important to understand how many factors interact together to create disruptions. These include gut health, detoxification pathways, and environmental hormonal disruptors. All of these factors can affect our production of hormones, how […]



Are you tired all the time? Do you have dry skin, brittle nails, cold hands and feet, hair loss, stubborn weight gain, trouble waking up in the morning? These are all signs of poor thyroid hormone function, or hypo-thyroidism. Thyroid hormone tells all the cells in our bodies to help make energy, so when it’s […]

Why am I so out of Balance?

Why am I so out of Balance?

Most of our clients come to see us because of hormonal imbalances: bad PMS and mood swings, difficulty sleeping, erratic periods or menopausal symptoms of hot flashes and night sweats. On top of that many of you are suffering from fatigue, mild depression and other symptoms. The important thing to understand is no one “pill […]

Brain: The Motherboard

Brain: The Motherboard

Typically we don’t think of our brain and equate that with our health. With the concept of ‘the brain’ we usually just think of how we feel. Most people (myself included) hope the brain will stay intact and sharp through old age. The reality is we can do more than hope. First, we must realize […]

It’s a Trifecta!

It’s a Trifecta!

I often encounter people so confused about the stuff they read on the internet and hear on the news about the right diet and exercise, that they come in to see if I can make more sense of it for them. I can give you the data, my clinical experience, and yes, I hope this […]

Brain Health

Brain Health

It’s critical to understand the profound link between gastro-intestinal and brain health. Leaky gut equals “leaky brain”. Along with GI health, it’s important to identify and address hormonal imbalances including high blood sugar, insulin resistance and diabetes, levels of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, or deficiencies of thyroid and sex hormones such as […]

From the Boardroom to the Bedroom

From the Boardroom to the Bedroom

Fatigue, apathy, no libido, weight gain, loss of muscle mass, a ”beer gut” that won’t go away, erectile dysfunction, concentration issues, mood swings, “brain fog” , prostate issues and the dreaded “man boobs”. These are all symptoms of imbalances in men’s hormonal systems–not just testosterone, but adrenaline, cortisol, insulin, thyroid and neurotransmitters as well. The […]

Sugar is the New Fat

Sugar is the New Fat

30 years ago the public was told that heart attacks and cardiovascular disease were caused by fats, which caused our cholesterol to go up, clogging our arteries, the major cause of heart attacks, stroke and cardiovascular disease. They also told us not to worry they had a fabulous pill to solve the problem: Statins. The […]

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bio Identical hormones and “Anti-Aging”remedies are all the rage. Unfortunately, clinics have been popping up all over the place with often-disastrous consequences from a one size fit’s all, “Hormones R Us “approach. Mindlessly inserting pellets or using high doses of hormones without looking at all the different factors involved in production, metabolism, detoxification, genetics can […]

Laughter Deficient

Laughter Deficient

Remember when we were kids and it was ALL about the fun. Get back to that! Fun, laughter, activity, causes our brains to change, to work better, to stay focused. You can eat all the good clean organic food you want, and should. You can do all the exercise you want, and should. But if […]

Why Am I So Tired?

Why Am I So Tired?

Fatigue and chronic low energy are common symptoms of imbalances across multiple hormonal systems, including adrenal, thyroid, sex hormones and gut health. Chronic fatigue can also be a sign of exposure to biotoxins and infections, which may include heavy metals, toxic mold or tick born infections like Lyme’s disease. Often, despite feeling incredibly tired, we […]

Healthy Bacteria – Probiotics

Healthy Bacteria – Probiotics

Critical to optimal health is the role of friendly, healthy bacteria (“probiotics”) in the gut. There are many different species including Lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidus, saccharomyces, and others. These are known as the “microbiome”. The health of the microbiome is critical for overall body health! A healthy gut microbiome provides nutrition for the cells that line […]